
A simple <bdo> tag:


description & Usage

<bdo> tag can reverse the text direction (right to left or left to right).

The <bdo> tag has a dir attribute which can have two values:

  • ltr: This sets the text direction to run from left to right, which stands for Left To Right.
  • rtl: This sets the text direction to run from right to left, which stands for Right To Left.

The <bdo> tag stands for Bi-Directional Override which means to override bidirectionally.


Note: Using the dir attribute is mandatory.

Note: As you can see in the example code above, the <bdo> tag reverses the text character by character which is different than using direction in CSS.

Browser compatibility and Support

# Chrome Edge Firefox Safari Opera

Global Attributes

The <bdo> tag supports the HTML Global Attributes.

Event Attributes

The <bdo> tag supports the HTML Event Attributes.

Related Pages


Default CSS

Most browsers will display the <bdo> tag with the following default style: