صفت متعلق به شرح
تایید کنید <ورودی> انواع فایل هایی را که سرور می پذیرد را تعیین می کند. فقط برای (typ="file").
پذیرش-مجموعه حروف  <فرم> کاراکترهای مرتبط با تگ <form> را رمزگذاری می کند.
کلید دسترسی ویژگی های جهانی یک کلید میانبر برای فعال کردن یک برچسب ایجاد می کند.
عمل <فرم> محل دریافت اطلاعات در داخل <form> را مشخص می کند.
تراز کردن در HTML 5 پشتیبانی نمی شود.  
alt <area>، <img>، <input> متن جایگزین را به جای عنصری که نمایش داده نمی شود قرار می دهد.
ناهمگام <اسکریپت> مشخص می کند که اسکریپت های خارجی به طور نامنظم اجرا می شوند.
تکمیل خودکار <form>، <ورودی> تعیین می کند که آیا برچسب های مربوطه در سمت راست به طور خودکار فعال می شوند یا خیر.
فوکوس خودکار <button>، <input>، <انتخاب>، <textarea> تعیین می کند که آیا برچسب های مربوطه در سمت راست هنگام باز شدن صفحه فوکوس می شوند یا خیر.
پخش خودکار <صوتی>، <ویدئو> تعیین می کند که برچسب های مربوطه در سمت راست به طور خودکار با باز شدن صفحه نمایش داده شوند.
مجموعه شخصیت ها <meta>، <script> نوع رمزگذاری کاراکتر را مشخص می کند.
بررسی شد <ورودی> تعیین می کند که تگ مربوطه در سمت راست قبل از باز شدن صفحه انتخاب شده باشد.
نقل قول <blockquote>، <del>، <ins>، <q> نشانی اینترنتی یا پیوندی را مشخص می کند که نقل قول را توضیح می دهد.
کلاس ویژگی های جهانی یک یا چند کلاس خاص را برای تگ مربوطه در سند HTML مشخص می کند.
cols <textarea> عرض یک ناحیه متنی را مشخص می کند.
کلسپن <td>، <th> تعداد ستون هایی را که یک سلول در فهرست مطالب قرار می گیرد را تعیین می کند.
محتوا <متا> مقدار http-equiv را در تگ مربوطه در سمت راست مشخص می کند.
قابل رضایت ویژگی های جهانی بخش ویرایش یک تگ محتوا را تعریف می کند.
کنترل ها <صوتی>، <ویدئو> دکمه های شروع و پایان را در تگ های ویدیویی و صوتی تعریف می کند.
هماهنگی ها <منطقه> مختصات را در تگ مربوطه در سمت راست تنظیم می کند.
داده ها-* ویژگی های جهانی برای ذخیره اطلاعات خصوصی در صفحه یا برنامه مربوطه استفاده می شود.
زمان قرار <del>، <ins>، <time> تاریخ و زمان را در برچسب های مربوطه در سمت راست تنظیم می کند.
پیش فرض <تراک>  
به تعویق انداختن <اسکریپت> مشخص می کند که اسکریپت های خارجی پس از تجزیه صفحه اجرا می شوند.
کارگردان ویژگی های جهانی جهت گیری جهت متن را تعیین می کند.
dirname <input>، <textarea> جهت متن ارسالی را مشخص می کند.
معلول <button>، <fieldset>، <input>، <optgroup>، <option>، <select>، <textarea> برای غیرفعال کردن عناصر مربوطه در سمت راست استفاده می شود.
دانلود <a>، <منطقه> وقتی کاربر روی یک لینک کلیک می کند، هدف آن را مشخص می کند.
قابل کشیدن ویژگی های جهانی  
تایپ کردن <فرم> این روش کدگذاری اطلاعات داخل برچسب مربوط به سرور را تعیین می کند (فقط برای ارسال "پست ها" استفاده می شود).
enterkeyhint ویژگی های جهانی این ویژگی مجموعه ای از پیشنهادات را در اختیار کاربران قرار می دهد. این ویژگی اغلب در فرم های ثبت نام استفاده می شود.
برای <برچسب>، <خروجی> تعیین می کند که کدام تگ یا محاسبه به کدام تگ تعلق دارد.
فرم <button>, <fieldset>, <input>, <label>, <meter>, <object>, <output>, <select>, <textarea> Specifies the <form> name that belongs to the elements inserted on the right.
formaction <button>, <input> It determines the place to send information inside <form> (this feature is only used for "sending").
headers <td>, <th> One or more cells determine the page header, which is related to a cell in the table.
height <canvas>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <object>, <video> Determines the height of the corresponding tags on the right.
hidden Global Attributes  
high <meter>  
href <a>, <area>, <base>, <link> Specifies the target URL for the corresponding tags on the right.
hreflang <a>, <area>, <link> Specifies the language of the link document.
http-equiv <meta> An http header for the information or value inside the content.
id Global Attributes Specifies a unique identifier for the element.
inert Global Attributes This feature gives web developers the lease to disable a section .
inputmode Global Attributes This feature gives web developers the ability to define a type for their inputs so users know what type of data to enter.
ismap <img> Specifies a photo as a map on the server.
kind <track> Specifies the path type of a text.
label <track>, <option>, <optgroup> The title determines the path of a text.
lang Global Attributes Specifies the language of the HTML document.
list <input> It depends on the <datalist> tag along with the predefined options in the corresponding tag on the right.
loop <audio>, <video> It is used to replay a video and audio automatically after completion.
low <meter> Defines a range defined by a small value.
max <input>, <meter>, <progress> Specifies a maximum of one value.
maxlength <input>, <textarea> Specifies the maximum number of characters you can enter in a predefined range.
media <a>, <area>, <link>, <source>, <style> It is used to determine the type of document link and what device and media it is optimized for.
method <form> Determines the http mode when sending <form> data.
min <input>, <meter> Sets the minimum value.
multiple <input>, <select> Specifies that the user can add more than 1 value in the corresponding tags on the right side.
muted <video>, <audio> It is used to mute audio and video files.
name <button>, <fieldset>, <form>, <iframe>, <input>, <map>, <meta>, <object>, <output>, <param>, <select>, <textarea> Specifies the name of the tag.
novalidate <form> Specifies that the <form> should not be validated when submitted to the server.
onabort <audio>, <embed>, <img>, <object>, <video>  
onafterprint <body> It is an external script that is executed after printing a document.
onbeforeprint <body> It is an external script that is executed before printing a document.
onbeforeunload <body> It is an external script that is executed when printing a document.
onblur All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when a tag is changed.
oncanplay <audio>, <embed>, <object>, <video>  
oncanplaythrough <audio>, <video>  
onchange All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when the value of a tag is changed.
onclick All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when a tag is clicked.
oncontextmenu All visible elements. It is an external script that must be executed when the context menu is activated
oncopy All visible elements. An external script to be executed when the tag content is copied
oncuechange <track>  
oncut All visible elements. It is an external script that must be executed when the content of a tag is cut.
ondblclick All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when a tag is clicked twice.
ondrag All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when a tag is drawn.
ondragend All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed at the end of an operation.
ondragenter All visible elements.  
ondragleave All visible elements.  
ondragover All visible elements.  
ondragstart All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when the drag operation is started.
ondrop All visible elements.  
ondurationchange <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is executed by changing the length of an audio or video media.
onemptied <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is executed when the media is suddenly interrupted.
onended <audio>, <video> It is an external script that contains a message at the end of the audio and video media to be displayed to the user.
onerror <audio>, <body>, <embed>, <img>, <object>, <script>, <style>, <video> It is an external script that is executed on the relevant tags on the right side when a problem occurs.
onfocus All visible elements. It is an external script to be executed when the corresponding tag is focused.
onhashchange <body> It is an external script that must be executed when the URL is changed.
oninput All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when the user's login tag is received.
oninvalid All visible elements. It is an external script that will be executed if the corresponding tag is invalid.
onkeydown All visible elements. It is an external script that will be executed if the user clicks on a part.
onkeypress All visible elements. It is an external script that will be executed if the user clicks on a part.
onkeyup All visible elements. It is an external script that will be executed when a key is released by the user.
onload <body>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <link>, <script>, <style> It is an external script that will be executed when a tag is finished loading.
onloadeddata <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is executed when an audio and video media is opened.
onloadedmetadata <audio>, <video> It is an external script that starts working when "meta" information such as dimensions and duration are executed.
onloadstart <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is executed before the actual loading and display of audio and video media.
onmousedown All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when the mouse buttons are pressed.
onmousemove All visible elements. It is an external script that runs from the time the mouse moves over an element.
onmouseout All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when the mouse pointer is removed from an element.
onmouseover All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when the mouse cursor moves over an element.
onmouseup All visible elements. External script that is executed when the mouse pointer is released from an element.
onmousewheel All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when scrolling or turning the mouse wheel.
onoffline <body> It is an external script that runs when a browser goes offline.
ononline <body> An external script that runs when a browser goes online.
onpagehide <body> It is an external script that is executed when the user logs out.
onpageshow <body> It is an external script that is executed when the user goes to the page.
onpaste All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when the user enters a value in the content.
onpause <audio>, <video> It is an external script that runs audio and video media automatically or with user intervention.
onplay <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is specific to the time when the audio and video media starts playing.
onplaying <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is specific to the time when the audio and video media starts playing.
onpopstate <body>  
onprogress <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is executed when the browser is receiving audio and video media information.
onratechange <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is executed when the speed of audio and video media or its playback rate is changed.
onreset <form> It is an external script that is executed by clicking on the reset settings of the <form> section.
onresize <body> It is an external script that is done by changing the size of the browser window.
onscroll All visible elements.  
onsearch <input> It is an external script that is performed during user search in the relevant section.
onseeked <audio>, <video>  
onseeking <audio>, <video>  
onselect All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed by selecting a tag.
onstalled <audio>, <video> Runs when the browser is unable to display an audio or video media.
onstorage <body>  
onsubmit <form> It is an external script that is executed when the <form> is sent to the server.
onsuspend <audio>, <video>  
ontimeupdate <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is executed by the user when moving the display point of audio and video media.
ontoggle <details> It is executed when the user opens and closes the <details> tag.
onunload <body> It is an external script that is executed when the browser window is opened or closed.
onvolumechange <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is related to changing the volume of audio and video media.
onwaiting <audio>, <video> It is an external script that is executed when an audio and video media is stopped and at that time, the continuation of the media is loaded for the user.
onwheel All visible elements. It is an external script that is executed when using the mouse wheel and moving it on related elements.
open <details> It is used to display text, video and audio content to the user.
optimum <meter>  
pattern <input> Specifies a short or long expression against which the value of the <input> tag is compared.
placeholder <input>, <textarea> It is used to specify the desired value of a tag and a short reference to it.
popover Global Attributes With this feature, you can display a series of content on top of another series of content, which has many names such as: open window, pop-over, overlap, etc.
popovertarget <button>, <input> The popover to be called specifies which of the
popovertargetaction <button>, <input> Unhappened popover specifies what happens to it when the button is clicked
poster <video> Specifies a preset image before displaying the video to the user.
preload <audio>, <video> It is used to specify how to play audio and video media by the user.
readonly <input>, <textarea> It determines that the corresponding tags on the right side are for reading only.
rel <a>, <area>, <form>, <link> Specifies the type of relationship between the current document and the linked document.
required <input>, <select>, <textarea> Used to specify the filling of <form> sections before sending them to the server.
reversed <ol> Specifies that the order of the numbers behind the corresponding list should be descending (from the specified number to the number 1).
rows <textarea> Specifies the number of lines visible to the user in a text area.
rowspan <td>, <th> Specifies the number of rows that a cell in the table of contents should cover.
sandbox <iframe> Specifies a set of additional constraints for the content inside the <iframe> tag.
scope <th>  
selected <option> Specifies that an option (either text or image) should be selected by default before loading and displaying a page to the user.
shape <area> Determines the shape and state of an area.
size <input>, <select>  
sizes <img>, <link>, <source> Determines the size and dimensions of the link source.
span <col>, <colgroup> Determines how many columns should be opened in the corresponding tags on the right.
spellcheck Global Attributes Determines whether the text type and grammar inside the corresponding tag should be checked or not.
src <audio>, <embed>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <script>, <source>, <track>, <video> Specifies the source or URL of the audio and video media.
srcdoc <iframe> Specifies the content corresponding to the <iframe> tag in HTML documents.
srclang <track> The language determines the direction of textual data in audio and video media (kind="subtitle")
srcset <img>, <source> It determines the internet address or the link of audio and video media in different situations.
start <ol> Specifies the value and how to start a sorted list.
step <input>  
style Global Attributes Specify one or more inline CSS styles in HTML documents.
tabindex Global Attributes Determines the tabulation order of one or more tags.
target <a>, <area>, <base>, <form> Specifies the target location for sending the corresponding data to the tags specified on the right.
title Global Attributes Specifies redundant information for a tag.
translate Global Attributes A tag is used to specify the translation.
type <a>، <button>، <embed>، <input>، <link>، <menu>، <object>، <script>، <source>، <style> نوع تگ های مربوطه را در صفحه تعیین می کند.
نقشه کاربری <img>، <object> تصویری را مشخص می کند تا به عنوان نقشه تصویر به کاربر نمایش داده شود.
ارزش <button>، <input>، <li>، <option>، <meter>، <پیشرفت>، <param> مقدار تگ های مربوطه را در سمت تعیین می کند.
عرض <canvas>، <embed>، <iframe>، <img>، <input>، <object>، <video> عرض عناصر مربوطه را در سمت راست تعیین می کند.
بسته بندی کردن <textarea> نحوه بسته بندی متن در یک ناحیه متنی ارسال شده توسط <form> را مشخص می کند.