
Comment tags are used to enable or disable codes.
All HTML documents begin with <!DOCTYPE>.


The <a> tag defines a link that connects from one page to another.
The <abbr> tag defines an abbreviation.
The <address> tag defines the basic information of a person.
The <area> tag shows one or more points of an image that we can click on.
The <article> tag describes a separate piece of content.
The <aside> tag isolates a section of content.
To separate an audio file from the text, they use the <audio> tag.




They use the <b> tag to enlarge and fill a letter or a sentence.


Specifies a URL for all hyperlinks on a page.


Specifies a part of text that may be written against the direction of other text.


The <bdo> tag explains the text in the opposite direction.


Used to identify the source for a section of text.


Describes the body and all related descriptions in an HTML document.


It brings the text down one line and so-called breaks the text.


The <button> tag defines a button to refer to another page or display a section on the same page.




Describes a graphical section that is generated through the given scripts.


 Description describes a table of contents.


The cite tag describes the name of an innovative result such as a book, movie, audio, etc.


The <code> tag is used to define and display a computer text that uses the monospave font.


The <col> tag defines the attributes of a column within a table.


The <colgroup> tag defines a group of columns.




The <data> tag defines text in two ways; The first is for humans and the other is for machines.


Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls.


The <dd> tag is used to describe a topic in a table.


<del> tag is used to underline a word or sentence in the text.


.By using the <datails> tag, you can open and close your main content in a sliding manner


You can use the <dfn> tag to explain a term in your text.


The dialog tag defines a subwindow.


The division tag is used to define a section in an HTML document.


A list in the table defines the description.


Defines a term or name in a table list.




Defines a section for external resources such as another site page, image and video.


Defines a container for an external application.




Defines framing and grouping for a section of an HTML document.


Specifies a title for the <figure> tag.


Defines a separate content such as image, chart, video and list of codes.


The <footer> tag defines a footer for an HTML document.


It describes a section like login and registration for users



<h1> - <h6>

In HTML documents, the <H1>-<H2>-<H3>-<H4>-<H5>-<H6> tags define headings.


It is used to specify the data section in the HTML document.


The <header> tag defines a section at the top of the HTML document for the initial content of each page.


Creates a horizontal line between the texts of each page.


The <html> tag describes the foundation and root of an HTML document.




Makes part of a text italic.


It explains a frame and an inline frame.


To load an image in the Html document, they use the <img> tag.


The <input> tag creates an area where the user can enter information.


The <ins> tag draws a line under a word or sentence in your text.




To define one or more keyboards, they use the <kbd> tag, which is displayed to the user by default with monospace font.




Defines a tag to describe multiple tags in an HTML document.


The <legend> tag creates a name for the <fieldset> tag.


The <li> tag puts a number behind each of the descriptions in the list.


They use the <link> tag to connect a current HTML document and one or more external sources.




.The <main> tag is used on each page to specify the main content of an HTML document


The <map> tag is used to create an image map in HTML documents.


It is used to highlight a word or a sentence in the <mark> tag, which is yellow by default.


the <menu>tag is an HTML element that defines an unordered list of menu options. By using this tag, users can easily access website pages


They use the <meta> tag to load data and metadata in HTML documents.


Defines a scalar measure within a known range.




Defines the navigation links at the top, right and left of each page.


It is used to display alternative text for people whose browser does not support the desired script of those pages.




Defines a margin and range for loading an external resource such as image, video, etc.


It is used to display the numbers behind each word, and if needed, you can also give it a value to start with your desired number.


The <optgroup> tag is used to group the relevant options in the <select> tag or the drop-down list.


By using the <option> tag, you can choose your favorite option in the drop-down list by default.


The <output> tag is used to display the result of a numerical evaluation.




The <p> tag is used to define a paragraph in the <HTML> document.


They use the <param> tag to define the parameters of the <object> tag.


All image files are used in <HTML> documents for easier loading.


Defines text whose state is already set.


Defines a horizontal graph in a box that indicates the completion of an activity.




Used to make a short quote.




Used to construct a parenthesis in browsers that do not support ruby text border.


It is used to describe characters with East Asian typography in ruby text margins.


The <ruby> tag is used to create a ruby text border.




To underline a long text, the <s> tag is used.


To display a computer text output, the <samp> tag is used, which is used in all browsers with monospace font.


To use JavaScript codes in HTML documents, the <script> tag is used.


the <search> tag is a powerful tool that allows users to easily and quickly find the information they need.


The <section> tag is used to divide different areas in HTML documents.


The <select> tag is used to create a drop-down list.


 Small texts are made with the <small> tag.


 The <source> tag is used to determine media sources such as video, audio, image, etc.


 The <span> tag is used to apply different inline attributes to each section in the HTML document.


 In order to specify an important part in the text, they use the <strong> tag.


 They use the <style> tag to insert and optimize CSS tags in HTML documents.


 The <sub> tag is used to insert subtitles.


 Defines a summary of the text that the user is going to read.


 The part that uses the <sup> tag is placed in a lower line than other words in the text.


 Used to specify a section for svg format media.




It is used to create a table of contents in which you can insert any other media.


.The body of each table defines the content in which we can place the desired information


Defines the columns of each table's content.


.It is used to hide some parts of the HTML document when the user enters the target page


Defines a separate section for loading the desired text.


It is used to group the footer section of the table of contents.


It is used to make the header cells of the table of contents.


It is used to group the header section of the table of contents.


The <time> tag is used to specify an important time or date.


Specifies the text title of <HTML> documents.


Defines the rows of each table of contents.


It is used to specify the text paths of <audio> and <video> tags.




Makes a part of the text different, which is different from other words and sentences inside it, and underlines it with dashes.


The <ul> tag is used to make black dots behind the content list.




The <vr> tag is used to define programming variables and mathematical problems, which are displayed in italics to the user.


To load a video media in <HTML> documents use the <video> tag.




Defines possible line breaks in text <HTML> documents.